
Our Fotel project is completed!

We have just finished all the activities planned within the FOTEL Project. We are pleased to present you the outcomes of our 2-year long pilot programme. The objective of the project was to examine to what extent the application of Forum Theatre methodology by teachers, combined with practical…


Címkék: oktatás English fórum színház ifjúsági programok FOTEL


Csapatépítés Kisorosziban

November 14-15-16-án a Work/Place program résztvevőivel és mentoraikkal egy háromnapos csapatépítő tréningen vettünk részt Kisorosziban. Ramin Shamsi, iráni résztvevőnk írásából megtudhatjátok, mi minden történt velünk a 3 nap alatt. A fotót a kisoroszi Duna-parton szintén…


Címkék: beszámoló English WorkPlace


When I get a package from home...

Not the Weaker – Budapest Seen through Migrant Women’s eyes We have arrived at the end of the Not The Weaker program, a project designed to promote migrant women’s integration. During this year, we have been working with migrant and Hungarian women living in Budapest to help migrant women’s…


Címkék: színház aktuális migráció English Nem a gyengébbik


When someone asks me to explain where Hungary is...

Not the Weaker – Budapest Seen through Migrant Women’s eyes We have arrived at the end of the Not The Weaker program, a project designed to promote migrant women’s integration. During this year, we have been working with migrant and Hungarian women living in Budapest to help migrant women’s…


Címkék: színház aktuális migráció English Nem a gyengébbik


School actions on the occasion of the “Make a Comment” summer camp

In our “Global Fairness – Schools as Agents for Change” project we have organized a summer camp for students of four different schools in Balatonfenyves. The aim of the camp was to think and discuss together about the local influences of the global issues. After the camp the students were…


Címkék: oktatás tábor English globális nevelés Iskolák a változásért


Not the Weaker – Budapest Seen through Migrant Women’s eyes

We have arrived at the end of the Not The Weaker program, a project designed to promote migrant women’s integration. During this year, we have been working with migrant and Hungarian women living in Budapest to help migrant women’s integration and personal development through individual…


Címkék: színház aktuális migráció English Nem a gyengébbik


Ahmed Omer: When humans are kept in prison

Around 15 days ago, when I was in Lithuania I visited one of my brothers' friends with my brother. It was early in the morning when I heard some birds tweets, songs of sorrow. I could clearly feel the pain in their songs, I just could not stand it anymore, so I went to see them. I found them in the…


Címkék: migráció menekültek English


Global schools connect – partnerships between Africa and Europe

This year, we reached the Earth Overshoot Day, an annual marking of our overconsumption, on 19 August, earlier than ever in history, which shows that the ideal of sustainability is getting further away. Meanwhile, the ebola outbreak in West-Africa has highlighted several health and development…


Címkék: konferencia aktuális English globális nevelés iskolai partnerség


Bienvenue, Ambrine!

A múlt héten megérkezett francia önkéntesünk, Ambrine Es-Satte, egyenesen Dél-Franciaországból! Ambrine még sosem járt Budapesten, de szereti a kihívásokat, és valami igazán különlegeset keresett, ezért belevágott a kelet-európai kalandba. Leginkább a migránsok…


Címkék: beszámoló mobilitás English EVS Európai Önkéntes Szolgálat ifjúsági programok


Forum theater movie screening in Artemisszió

On September 30, 2014. we showed the short films of FOTEL project to some interested professionals, and the screening was followed by an exciting discussion. According to the participants, this methodology is authentic, because on one hand it strengthens the students in their personality, which…


Címkék: beszámoló színház English fórum színház FOTEL

süti beállítások módosítása