
Forum theater movie screening in Artemisszió

On September 30, 2014. we showed the short films of FOTEL project to some interested professionals, and the screening was followed by an exciting discussion.


According to the participants, this methodology is authentic, because on one hand it strengthens the students in their personality, which will have a positive effect on their lives on the long run. On the other hand, it makes the group cohesion stronger, which, based on researches as well, is one of the most important factors of keeping students in the school. It was also said that this methodology works so well exactly because the performed story belongs to everyone, this way not putting the weight of personal tragedy on one student. Everyone had the feeling that the point is not the final performance itself, rather the developing and learning process which the students go through. As the project appealed to everyone present, the question came up how it would be possible to transfer this method, and other good practices into public education, since it could mostly work for teachers if the techniques could be part of the curriculum framework.

All the movie are accessible here.

Dóra Varga


Címkék: beszámoló színház English fórum színház FOTEL

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