
Bringing migration closer to Hungarian schoolkids

Support our campaign!


In 2015, the issue of refugees has become a hot topic in Hungary and the government’s opinion and policies have huge influence on the opinion of millions of Hungarians. These policies include xenophobia, blaming strangers and the building of a „contemporary” fence at the border to „protect” the country from refugees. This fence is a symbol of the walls people build around themselves.

Our goal is to break down these walls.



Artemisszió Foundation has created two 1,5-hour school workshops that offer elementary and high school students insights into the issue of migration. Throughout the workshops, the students have the opportunity to experience the personal journey of a refugee and reflect on their biases and prejudices. During the workshops, we discuss the current situation including the refugee crisis and we address the fears and concerns of participants regarding the current situation.


The activites are organised by Hungarian and migrant volunteers who will have a 3-day-long intensive training about the basics of nonformal learning and migration.

How much?

The total costs of the 3-day training, 15 workshops for schoolchildren and the organization costs of the campaign amount to $2200.

LUSH Hungary Kft. has already donated $800, so our goal now is to raise $1300 more to make the program happen.

Support our campaign!

Why us?

We have held school workshops around intercultural issues since the foundation of Artemisszió. In recent years we helped 300 migrants to feel more at home in Hungary with the help of 200 Hungarian volunteers.

What can you do beyond donations?

If you would like to join our program as a volunteer, or you are a teacher and find the program interesting, please contact Hanna Mikes at hanna.mikes@artemisszio.hu or by calling +36704117135.

If you are a parent who would like to make sure their kinds participate in one of our workshops, we kindly ask you to call your school’s attention to this program.


Címkék: támogatás képzés migráció menekültek globális nevelés ifjúsági programok

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