The objective of the project is to examine to what extent the application of Forum theatre methodology by teachers, combined with practical knowledge about intercultural relations, may reduce the risk of early school leaving by youth aged 13 to 16.
In recent years, early school leaving (ESL) has become one of the most significant social issues facing the European Union. The scope of the problem is growing, and it currently affects over 14.4% of students in Member States, in particular youth from ethnic and national minorities, including immigrants and Roma.
The causes of ESL are complex and in order to find an effective solution, further research to establish an optimal preventive measure is required. The FOTEL project is focused on discovering and examining the causes and mechanisms of ESL.
We finished second phase of our Project. After publishing our research report called Examining Early School Leaving Factors in Five European Contexts we conducted pilot workshops in local schools which final effect was the Forum Theatre play of course. You can find links to videos recorded during the workshops, rehearsals and final performances below.
Handbook for teachers and educators
After experiencing Forum Theatre play preparation and performance in local schools we’re planning to publish Handbook for those teachers and educators who look for efficient method to work with students at risk of early school leaving. Main goal for the Handbook is to be a guide for a teacher who wants to replicate the pilot project in his/her school.
Every partner organization contributed to this work. You can find the first teaser of the Handbook on our website.
Conference and Teacher Training
Our aim is to spread widely usage of the Forum Theatre as a tool in reducing early school leaving within teenagers. To popularize this idea we organize:
Critical incidents and Forum Theatre to reduce early school leaving training for school educational staff in Budapest, Hungary 27th October to 1st November 2014
- Teachers will strength their professional profile to conduct activities in their own school environment combining :
○ Factors of ESL.
○ Critical Incident methodology
○ Collected cases transformed to real life ESL situations in 5 different schools among the UE
- Addressing the characteristics and regularities of intercultural situations; with methodological support to teachers as an improved way to operate toward their target group with more attractive programmes for students in line with their need and expectations. .
- Forum Theatre methodology in schools to prevent and to reduce ESL among pupils, particularly those at risk of early school leaving with low basic skills; therefore they will have a tool they can use in conflict situations in the school.
International Conference of FOTEL Project
- Evaluation of the Project process and outputs.
- Sharing future perspectives in the educational field in Europe.
- Plenary sessions, round table discussions, and interactive workshop sessions.
- Networking lounge to share practices and open space for further exchanges in internet.
- Presentation of FOTEL project
- Keynote lecture about ESL and about Forum theatre (in education)
- Round-table discussions about Roma and migrant issues, the phenomena of early school leaving
- Workshops: critical incident; good practices of the FOTEL partners (eg. (democratic discussion, discussion about Roma-phobia), Forum theatre
- Presentation of Forum theatre play
More information:
- website of the project:
- you can read about Forum Theatre Methodology
- at our website you may also find a Gallery
We invite you to contact us in order to gain more information, exchange our experiences.