
Farsang a Work/Place‏ programban - beszámoló

2015. február 14-én került sor a Work/Place program korábban belépett és új tagjainak első találkozására. A farsangi mulatságról Aylar Hojayeva türkmén résztvevőnk írt beszámolót. // The first meeting between the ’older’ and the new participants of the Work/Place program took place on the 14th of February. Aylar Hojayeva, our participant from Turkmenistan wrote you about our carnival celebration.


As a fresh member of the program, social event "Farsang" has welcomed me with warm atmosphere of Artemisszio and introduced me to interesting people of different cultures.

I discovered personalities and  interests from different angle by playing team games. I had tons of fun wearing my minion costume and taking lots of group photos and eating delicious cakes. Cooking donuts was the best part, it was such a friendly team work, and fun time dancing in the kitchen while cooking.

Thanks to Hanna Erszebet and Attila for organizing this event and making my first Farsang celebration!!!

I guess we scared winter away successfully ;)

Fotó: Ambrine Essatte



Címkék: beszámoló migráció WorkPlace

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