
Cooking program

2014. december 7-én a Work/Place program résztvevői közösen főztek mentoraikkal. Öt résztvevőnk, Nurgul, Sonya, Effi, Michael és Claudio vállalták, hogy a többiek segédletével saját konyhájuk egy-egy ételét készítik el nekünk, velünk. Így egy este során kazah, indonéz, nigériai és mexikói ételek megkóstolására is alkalmunk nyílt. Fogadjátok szeretettel Claudio Ortiz, mexikói résztvevőnk írását az eseményről. A fotót róla és csapatáról Ramin Shamsi készítette. // Participants and mentors of the Work/Place integration program had a common cooking event on the 7th of December. Five of them, Nurgul, Sonya, Effi, Michael and Claudio volunteered as our chefs and prepared their own dish with the assistance of the others present. Thanks to them we had the possibility to try Kazakh, Indonesian, Nigerian and Mexican food on the very same evening. Claudio Ortiz, our Mexican participant wrote you about how it all went. The photo of him and his team was taken by Ramin Shamsi.


On December 7, 2014 Artemisszió organized a cooking evening for the participants of the cultural integration program. As one of the members I dare to say that we had the pleasure to bring together four amazing gastronomic cultures Mexico, Africa, Kazakhstan and Indonesia, to prepare a lovely feast for a normal sunday evening in Budapest. 

The experience was not just a delight for our senses but also a reason that brought us even closer together as friends, the environment during the activity was full of joy and happiness. I personally enjoyed every moment of this cooking lesson and I loved watching everyone being part of it.

You could felt how the excitement was growing once we were discovering the traditional techniques and flavors from other countries and behind the show was nice and well prepared location with a flawless organization.

In my personal opinion this idea was a complete success, and as a result there where at least seven different nationalities helping each other and sharing one table at the end of the activity. 

To finish I would like to thank the organization for all this incredible moments that they create in our lives and the spirit of integration that they share with us, because we will spread this message wherever we go.

Claudio Ortiz 

A projekt az Európai Unió Európai Integrációs Alapjának támogatásával valósul meg. The project is co-financed by the European Integration Fund of the European Union.



Címkék: beszámoló migráció WorkPlace

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