
Ready, Study, Go! Training trip in Kisoroszi

This trip was about to getting to know each other in this project and also get more information about it. At the same time we tried to figure out which topics are more interesting for all of us together. We left Budapest to Kisoroszi on a sunny August morning. It was a great trip as usual with Artemisszio Foundation as it was a kind of multinational and multicultural trip. Our host was Racz Fogado.


First thing after arrival was introducing ourselves and why we applied for this project. After that, we had some fun and really interesting time. We stayed in a circle, someone started to say something that referred to global issues then the next one who agreed with him/her had to catch his/her hand first and continue with new issue. It continued till the circle was completed and everybody caught each other’s hands. Also, we put some pictures on the floor and then everybody had to choose one or two which first came to her/his mind about global issues. Then we had to share the reasons of our choice one by one.

We also played games where we had to figure out the foot size from smallest to biggest without talking and standing in one line, also figuring out eye color from brightest to darkest without talking and standing in one line according to this.


The World Game was about continents and their population/wealth. First it was us, the people in the room, who had to decide how many people show the proportions of the world’s population continent by continent. Then we had to guess how many chairs represent the world’s total wealth (GDP) and distributed the chairs around the continents. For example to figure out which continent is richest and which one is poorest.

After hearing the reality of population and wealth of all continents, we had to try to sit on the chairs which showed us there are lots of chairs in Europe and Canada and lot fewer chairs in Asia and Africa.

In the evening we played an activity where we were in 4 groups and had to create a country: choose its name, flag and religion. In each country we had politicians, investors, activists and unemployed people.

Then we had various issues arising: for example that a big clothes company wants to come to our country and establish a clothes factory, which is beneficial because it creates workplaces but at the same time we know that the company uses child labor and inhuman work conditions for their employees. After hearing this, all investors from various countries had a conference meeting about this topic and debated on arguments they will use to convince their people in their home countries for or against welcoming the company in their country. So did the politicians, activists and unemployed people come together and did their own debating, each ‘professional’ with his/her colleagues.


After the professionals returned to their home countries they had a debating time followed by a voting – yes or no for having the certain company entering their country.

On the last day there were sustainable development goals sticked on the wall, we had to choose and make a sign for three or four of them which were the most interesting for us. According to the most popular we made 4 groups, each group was working on one issue, and each of us had to add her own understanding of the issue according to the situation in her home country. We made a presentation or a poster and we told our findings to the others.

The weekend was finished with a walk to the Danube bank which we enjoyed a lot.

Zahra Sadeghi


Címkék: beszámoló migráció menekültek globális nevelés Európai Fejlesztés Éve Ready study go

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